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Principal's Message

Greetings and welcome to Knox Middle School.  I am excited to return to the KCSC.  Lori and I along with our three children, Kristin, Keith and Kari, are all Knox High School graduates.  

After teaching and coaching for eight years at Rock Island High School in Rock Island, Illinois, I became a Dean of Students at RIHS for the 1993-1994 school year.  In July of 1994, I became Assistant Principal at Knox Community High School. I was promoted to Principal at KCHS in July of 1995 and held that leadership position for twelve years before becoming the Principal at Plymouth High school.  After seventeen years at PHS, the opportunity to return to Knox and become Principal at KMS was a perfect fit.  

At KMS, we will do whatever it takes to ensure that each student is well prepared academically and socially to advance to the next level.  The staff and administration of KMS will model the values we expect our students to practice.  In addition, we will collaborate with all stakeholders to create a welcoming school environment that our students, staff, parents and community can be proud of.  

I look forward to saying hello to old friends and meeting new partners who will be involved in the educational experience of their child.  

Jim Condon, Principal at Knox Middle School

Once a Redskin, Always a Redskin!